
About Watercourse Way Holdings

Founded in 1984, we strive to provide the most return with the least risk.


Stephen L. McKee is the Managing Partner of Watercourse Way Holdings, LLC, which owns and operates the different newsletters.  He writes and devises the strategies for the top performing No-Load Mutual Fund Selections & Timing Newsletter.  He has been recognized in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Barron’s, and on various radio and TV stations nationwide as an investment expert.  McGraw-Hill published his book Grow Your Investments with the Best Mutual Funds and ETFs.  Prior to starting this company, he worked for a national brokerage firm.  In the investment business for more than 30 years, he also provides research and trading strategies for stocks and the markets.  He received a BA in Philosophy from Southern Methodist University in 1978 and has taken advanced courses in accounting and financial planning.

Please email us at Info@SelectionsAndTiming.com for additional information on any of our services.

Or mail us at
Watercourse Way Holdings, LLC
PO Box 3367
Bella Vista AR  72715